Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
WHO do you know? with Brandon Gano
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Calling all entrepreneurs who feel like they have to wear all the hats of their business!! Rearranging three letters might be all you need to help you level up your business and bring balance into your life.
Brandon Gano, founder of Twisted Ink, shares how he has learned important lessons that he wants to help others entrepreneurs learn without the mistakes he made. One mindset shift was all he needed to be able to rethink how he was doing business and he wants to share this will all of us to help us grow our businesses.
When starting his business in the custom apparel market, Brandon found himself working 80+ hours a week. He was going to work to come home for a few hours of sleep and getting up to go back to work. Sadly, Brandon missed out on the first six months of his first child’s life. He then made the decision that he needed to bring balance back to his life.
Instead of thinking about how he was going to do all the things for his business Brandon started to think about the people in his world that would be able to do it or help him do what needed to be done. Allowing himself to get help to get things done helped his business as well as his confidence and leadership skills grow.
Whether you are just starting out or if you are in the middle of launching your business Brandon’s words will help you reframe your thinking to help propel your business forward faster. Find ways to connect with Brandon below
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Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Learning to Love Yourself with Victoria Icenhower
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
College- check
Career- check
Marriage & Family- check
That is the way we are supposed to do things right? Girlfriend, what if I told you it didn’t have to be that way?!
Take a moment to think about the boxes you have checked off, did those things happen because that is what you truly wanted or is it because you thought that was what you were supposed to do?
Victoria Icenhower had the same beliefs initially as she stepped into her adult life. Tapping into more of the masculine energy, she was driven and analytical. She did all the things, yet she was not feeling fulfilled or aligned with herself. She kept working her corporate job, going out for drinks with friends, waiting for others to “romance” her. Then she met her mentor and coach while on a business trip. It was when she made the decision to stay back to do yoga on this trip instead of going out with the others that her life started to shift. Instead of tapping into the masculine energy, she was able to focus on aligning with more feminine energy, more creative, soft, flowy, and fun.
This was not a quick shift and it was difficult for her to let go of the analytical mindset. This shift also helped her realize that she was no longer in alignment with her then husband. It was hard but Victoria is grateful for the woman she is becoming.
Through her work on herself she has come to be a Self Love Scientist. Victoria is helping other women who are struggling with burnout in their lives, relationships, and or careers.She wants to help others thrive in romancing themselves. We don’t need to depend on others to give us what we need. If you want to go out for dinner, you can do so by yourself. You deserve to show yourself love.
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FACEBOOK: Victoria Icenhower Lotus Lifestyle,
INSTAGRAM: victoria_icenhower,
TikTok: imvictorias.secret
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Parent as a Leader with Dina Cooper
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Parent as a Leader with Dina Cooper
Have you ever wished your kids came with a manual? How to handle tough situations? How to balance your work life and family life? Wouldn’t that be amazing!
While Dina Cooper, a parent leadership coach, isn’t writing a manual on how to parent your kids she is helping parents find their leadership skills and gifts. Using these gifts help parents balance better and manage their own emotions. This allows the parents then to help support their own children learn this powerful set of skills.
Prior to starting her business, Dina was an accountant at a bank. She didn’t feel that was where she wanted to be and sought out help. She was set up with a career coach and started to learn about her own talents and gifts. Once she was finished working through the coach’s program she was encouraged to be a coach herself.
Through her work with her coach she learned about acknowledging her feelings in the moment but not needing to react to a situation. This emotional regulation is then modeled for her kids so they can see how it is okay to have emotions and how to deal with those feelings.
Being a mom who helps her own children realize their gifts and build a strong sense and acceptance of themselves has been her drive. Dina wants to make sure that her children feel seen and understood, unlike how she felt as a young person. She focuses on building their mindset, resiliency, and courage to help them grow into loving and accepting themselves.
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Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Design for who you are Becoming with Krystal Holm
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Have you ever thought, “I really need to declutter my house”? How about, “I am just not ready to get rid of that stuff”?
Krystal Holm, a Feng Shui Interior Designer who is helping women to create spaces that are aligned with their ambitions and energy. She has developed a framework that she uses to guide her clients to find where energy blockages are happening in their homes.
When she was going to school, Krystal was torn between studying forensic psychology or interior design. She chose the interior design path and was introduced to Feng Shui through a research project she had to do. This is where she started to learn about the different energies in our lives and how to help bring that into alignment.
Due to an injury at work she ended up bedridden and was struggling with battling her employers insurance company and feeling helpless. That is when she decided to pull in feng shui into her own space. Krystal wanted to heal the energy in her space to help herself heal.
Through her work on her own energy and space Krystal developed her framework that uses four pillars; Mind, Body, Soul, Home. This framework helped her be able to work on her own mindset and space so that her energies were in alignment. By decluttering her space she was able to start to recognize the scarcity mindset that was blocking her from where she wanted to be.
Now Krystal uses her framework to help empower other women to create the spaces that are reflections of who they are becoming. She is helping to recognize the negative energies or thoughts are are causing her clients to feel stuck.
Are you ready to create the 3D vision board of who you are becoming? Connect with Krystal and start working on being in alignment with you Mind, Body, Soul and Home
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Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
What is a Coach? with Coryn Quester
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Do you need a coach but don’t know what type of coach? Life, career, health, etc.? Where do you start? How can I find the right person to help me? How do I know they have the tools to help me?
This has been a bit of a gap in the growing world of coaching. There are so many coaches out there and all of them have their own special skills. Coryn Quester wants to help you find the right coach to mesh well with your needs and goals. This has led to the launch of her new business MeshWell.
There are so many of us out there who are feeling stuck in one or multiple areas of our lives. Coaching is a growing industry where those of us feeling stuck can get the help or the push we need to achieve our goals faster.
As she worked her corporate job she felt that there was more out there for her and she didn’t know how to figure out what that was. The work that she did with her own coach helped Coryn figure out that she wanted to get into coaching herself and start her own business. She decided to leave her corporate job and start her business 9 months later.
Now working to normalize coaching as a way for people to get the help they need, Coryn is ready to help you find that coach best for you! Are you ready to accelerate your transformation?
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CONNECT WITH ME & GET ALL THE GOODIES: msha.ke/lachellewieme
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WEBSITE: https://www.meshwell.co/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/coryn.king.9
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/corynquester/
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Beyond the Trauma with Tasha Wilson
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
When we experience trauma there are deep impacts that we might not realize are there for a long time. Have you ever felt like you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop?
Tasha Wilson, author, speaker, sexual assault survivor, and Title IX case worker, shares how she found a way to help other women who are working through the pain of their own traumas. She wants to help make an impact by making sure women feel seen, heard, loved, and valued.
At the age of 16 Tasha lost her dad unexpectedly. This event was very difficult for her and she didn’t know how it would impact her throughout her young adult life.In an effort to support her through her grief she was sent to a grief group at her school. This was difficult for her as she is a very quiet and private person. Her school counselor is who encouraged Tasha to start writing. The counselor told her that if she wasn’t comfortable verbalizing her emotions, she could write about them. This encouragement would help lead Tasha to becoming an author later.
Two years after that loss she was sexually assaulted. At that point she found herself living in survival mode. Tasha found herself accepting the bare minimum from her relationships and settled for what she thought was good enough. Then she started to do the work to move through her pain and was able to embrace the healing process.
Are there feelings left from a trauma in your life that are holding you back? Tasha is ready to help you start your journey of reclaiming yourself! Contact information is below
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CONNECT WITH ME & GET ALL THE GOODIES: msha.ke/lachellewieme
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IG: @lifewithtashaw_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tasha.w.7
Email: lifewithtashaw@gmail.com
Website: https://www.lifewithtashaw.com
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Ep. 131 Silencing the Scream of Menstruation Pain
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Ladies, what if I told you that you and your daughters could have pain free menstruation cycles? What about relief from endometriosis, PCOS, or other womb related conditions?
Let me introduce you to Christine Marie Quigless, a menstruation expert, whose passion has been realized in helping other women who struggle with painful periods. Her approach is focused on balancing the womb to silence the scream.
As a young lady, Christine Marie struggled with mood swings and very painful periods. Her family wanted to support her and sought medical supports. She started on birth control and was frustrated by the fact that these medications would mute or dull the pain but it was always still there. Along with that came the struggle to manage the emotions due to the fluctuations in hormones.
As she struggled with these difficult symptoms she started to learn more about holistic ways to support her health. These methods helped her achieve emotional and physical pain relief. Christine Marie decided that she wanted to share these approaches with other women who have struggled. If you or someone you care about struggles with painful menstruation periods share this podcast and Christine Marie’s contact information.
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CONNECT WITH ME & GET ALL THE GOODIES: msha.ke/lachellewieme WANT TO BE A GUEST? APPLY HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnkR2O5dFeReeZP-qbuBP5kyOUGr5APOENfUQR5sgTHQr0mA/viewform
LinkedIn- www.linkedin.com/in/christinequigless
Twitter- www.twitter.com/sparrowthrive
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Ep 130 Find Your Best Self While You Sleep with Dr. Funke Afolabi Brown
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Dr. Funke Afolabi Brown is board certified pediatric pulmonology and pediatric sleep disorders. She founded her company, Restful Sleep MD, to help busy professional women and their children to prioritize their sleep to optimize their time awake in their health, emotions, ability to care for others and more.
Even with a fulfilling practice where she is able to help others, there was a feeling that she could be doing more. A common struggle she was helping her patients and their families with was a lack of sleep. That is when the pieces started to come together and Restful Sleep MD came to light.
How many hours are we supposed to be getting? What are the benefits of sleep? Dr. Brown talks about the range of sleep that women should be getting in order to achieve the positive effects. These positive effects include clearer thinking (yes, brain fog is a thing), mood regulation, improved physical health, and more.
There are ways we can improve our ability to fall asleep and the quality of sleep we get. Dr. Brown shares some easy tips that one can start today to help get more rest. Using these tips will help be able to be more rested and able to help others more. Say goodbye to burning the candle at both ends, put on some comfy pj’s and learn more!
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Website: Restful Sleep MD
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Ep 129 The Power of Healing Trauma with Janine Wirth
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Janine Wirth, aka the "Trauma Whisperer" is an internationally recognized psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and coach. Janine shares about how she helps women entrepreneurs to recognize how unresolved trauma most often stemming from childhood can show up later in life as self-sabatoging behaviours.
Janine shares that when growing up in South Africa she survived a carjacking, kidnapping and attempted rape at gunpoint, the day she got her driver’s license. Recognizing that she was experiencing symptoms that scared her, she reached out for help. This started her journey of becoming a trauma expert and she now uses her skills to help other women identify how unresolved trauma is manifesting now in their adult lives. Janine discusses tips that women can use today to start to work on discovering the triggers that are causing them to feel stuck.
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Do others tell you that you are a workaholic? Those are just some of the clues of how trauma could be showing up for you in your daily life.
If you grew up in a chaotic environment for example, do you find yourself trying to control and schedule as much as you can? She shares that we have a choice when we are faced with these difficult situations. Janine wants to help when we make the choice to overcome the trauma and step into our lives beyond. You can also get a FREE guided hypnosis from the link below.
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CONNECT WITH ME & GET ALL THE GOODIES: msha.ke/lachellewieme
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I would like to gift your audience a free "Heal Your Inner Child" guided hypnosis:
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Ep 128 Life After Divorce with Felicia Roberts
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
You have made the difficult decision to get a divorce, now what? Felicia Roberts is a Divorce Recovery Coach who helps women navigate their new lives after a divorce. Making this decision is not always easy and navigating life after divorce can feel very lonely.. So many women struggle with feelings of shame and guilt or failure after the loss of a marriage. Felicia helps to get you off the emotional hamster wheel and take the steps to move forward into your life after divorce. From setting boundaries, to handling a changing social circle, to finances Felicia can help support women navigate through it. Felicia wants to help others realize the courage within them and how to take those steps into their new lives. It isn’t an easy journey, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one.
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CONNECT WITH ME & GET ALL THE GOODIES: msha.ke/lachellewieme
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Facebook and Instagram: @iamfeliciaroberts
Website: iamfeliciaroberts.com
Email: hello@iamfeliciaroberts.com
Book Info: You Can Again: Picking up the shattered pieces after divorce.